zondag 30 oktober 2011

Souvenirs et réflexions d’une Aryenne

Avant-propos — p. ix
Chapître I: La Religion des Forts — p. 1
Chapître II: Fausses nations et vrai racisme — p. 22
Chapître III: Anthropocentrisme et intolérance — p. 47
Chapître IV: Le mépris de l’homme moyen — p. 83
Chapître V: L’histoire, l’action et l’intemporel — p. 112
Chapître VI: Développement technique et Tradition — p. 137
Chapître VII: Développement technique et “Combat contre le Temps” — p. 169
Chapître VIII: Les deux grands mouvements modernes et la Tradition — p. 193
Chapître IX: Le renversement des valeurs anthropocentriques — p. 222
Chapître X: L’ésotérisme hitlérien et la Tradition — p. 265
Chapître XI: L’irrémédiable décadence — p. 293
Chapître XII: L’appel de la fin — p. 319

Impeachment Of Man - By Savriti Devi

PREFACE — p. ix

CHAPTER I: Man-centered Creeds — p. 1

CHAPTER II: Pessimistic Pantheism — p. 13

CHAPTER III: Joyous Wisdom — p. 23

CHAPTER IV: Action Precedes Theory — p. 35

CHAPTER V: Lights in the Night — p. 47

CHAPTER VI: Diet, Dress, Amusement and Hard Work — p. 65

CHAPTER VII: Ritual Slaughter of Animals — p. 87

CHAPTER VIII: Knowledge and Therapy — p. 95

CHAPTER IX: The Rights of Plants — p. 109

CHAPTER X: Active Kindness — p. 123

CHAPTER XI: Race, Economics and Kindness. The Ideal World — p. 137

donderdag 27 oktober 2011

The Zionist Story

The Zionist Story, an independent film by Ronen Berelovich, is the story of ethnic cleansing, colonialism and apartheid to produce a demographically Jewish State.

dinsdag 25 oktober 2011

The Vril Society - The secret societies and their power in the twentieth century

The Vril Society - The secret societies and their power in the twentieth century

In December 1919, a forest house was rented in Ramsau, near Berchtesgaden, where they met some people of the Thule, Vril and dhvss. Among these mediums Maria Orsitsch and Sigrun. Mary had picked up information on a secret writing of the Templars. a language completely unknown to her. with technical details to build a flying machine. These telepathic messages were transmitted according to the writings of the Vril Society, the solar system Aldebaran in the constellation Taurus. I would like at this point of my story, to present the reader with a summary of the messages that were received during the year by the telepaths and the Vril Society which formed the basis of actions taken by the latter.

Continue Reading at Hyperborean Vibrations

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler

Foreward, from Landsberg Am Lech, Fortress Prison
Volume One: A Reckoning

In the House of My Parents
Years of Study and Suffering in Vienna
General Political Considerations Based on My Vienna Period
The World War
War Propaganda
The Revolution
The Beginning of My Political Activity
The 'German Workers' Party'
Causes of the Collapse
Nation and Race
The First Period of Development of the National Socialist German Workers' Party

Volume Two: The National Socialist Movement

Philosophy and Party
The State
Subjects and Citizens
Personality and the Conception of the Folkish State
Philosophy and Organization
The Struggle of the Early Period - the Significance of the Spoken Word
The Struggle with the Red Front
The Strong Man is Mightiest Alone
Basic Ideas Regarding the Meaning and Organization of the SA
Federalism as a Mask
Propaganda and Organization
The Trade Union Question
German Alliance Policy After the War
Eastern Orientation or Eastern Policy
The Right of Emergency Defense

Division Germania - Wir kommen wieder

Jewish ( zionist, freemason) crimes against humanity

Holland - Micha Kat populær jødisk journalist: afliv gaskammerløgnen først - derefter resten

Dutch Translation can be found at Noordland Forum

Det forlyder at Micha Kat er flygtet fra Holland, og har bosat sig i Laos

Micha Kat - Født 1963
Micha Kat: Vores samfund er i gang med at crashe fordi fundamenterne viser sig at være totalt rådne. Ét af disse rådne fundamenter er historien om 'Holocaust'. Hvis vi vil sætte angrebet ind mod systemet som helhed, kan vi gøre dette bedst og mest effektivt, ved at rette os mod det fundament som anses for det mest 'hellige' og det mest 'ukrænkelige': Holocaust. Kilde

Micha Kat og Holocaust-Hoaxen (af Micha Kat)

Den beskidte holocaustløgn skal afsløres for også at gøre en ende på andre løgne; 9/11, den fredsskabende Europæiske Union, de livstruende 'pandemier', 'redningen' af Grækenland 'til jeres bedste', tilliden til magthavernes og mainstream medierne troværdighed.

Min far havde en jødisk mor, og min mor en jødisk far. En dødelig cocktail: selv om jeg 'officielt' [Ifølge Halachaen / jødisk lov] ikke er Jøde, fokuserede hele min opvækst og opdragelse på vores jødiske identitet, og især på Israel, hvor min mor har boet i mange år, og hvor meget af hendes familie stadigvæk bor.

Dutch Version of The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion

The following translation was produced by a Dutch member of the society who did a magnificent job ensuring the validity of the text. The full translation is included in pdf form at the end of the introduction.

Protocol nr.1

De macht van het individu en het volk wijzigen.
Wat is macht?
Macht is listigheid en doen geloven.
Macht is niet oprechtheid en eerlijkheid.
Het gebruik van schijnbare macht, liberalisme, als middel te reguleren.
Het devalueren van waardes waardoor belang gereguleerd kan worden.
Door vrijheid als abstractie te bezien zijn overheden enkel opzichters ipv. regerende organen.